Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

As you all know P4, for our art exhibition we will be focusing on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and I am SOOOO excited.

Do you have any ideas of things we could draw or make for it? Or even things we could write about?

Why don’t you leave a comment below and share your ideas. 20 house points for each idea 🙂

Miss Wiggins

20 thoughts on “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”

  1. we would like to do the CHOCOLATE RIVER with some Oompa loopas at the side of the CHOCOLATE RIVER

    From Kerri & Katie xxx

  2. how about a 3D ompalompa by kara
    in storywriting we could write about the factory by matthew

  3. we would like to draw chocolate river and it would look like a real river but it would be the backround we would like to see a chocolate fountain.

  4. Can’t wait for the Art Exhibition. Looking forward to seeing all the fabulous work. You’ve had a sweet filled year with your sleighs and now Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. What ever you decide it has to have chocolate – my very favourite!!! PS Miss Wiggins does that get me house points for Owen?

  5. What about pictures of Charlie’s house or even making little tiles of the house out of clay? You could then stick the clay tiles onto a background on card?

  6. I think u could do a wonks bar that’s half toren with half a golden ticket popping out

  7. It was very fun working on it but mostly hard work and we put a lot of effort into it and I also loved all the other bits of art work!!!!

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