Thursday Homework

We are very sad that our Greek topic is coming to an end! Can you write one interesting thing you have learned below? We will look at these in class on Friday when we do our learning reflection!

Miss W

12 thoughts on “Thursday Homework”

  1. I learned lots of different things about Ancient Greece my favourite was learning about gods. Zeus is the most powerful God of the sky and if he was angry he would throw thunderbolts.
    Thank you miss wiggins for teaching me all about Ancient Greece

  2. I asked a question about what god did they follow but I found out there is loads of them including Zeus and Athena. I have enjoyed this topic I have learned lots about it.

  3. One thing I have learned about Ancient Greece is that the country Sparta was ruled by the council.

  4. I am very sad because it was so fun learning about the Greeks and all their COOL stuff. But am excited about pur next:)☺

  5. Well done to everybody who replied and what wonderful things you have all learned over the past few weeks.

    20 house points 🙂

    Miss W!

  6. so sad cause I done lots of exra homework for Greece but I loved theatre spain will be good to

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