Sleighs, Sleighs and More Sleighs!

We found that the best and fastest way to make our product was to participate in a production line. We realise that everyone has different strengths and each person used this strength within our production line. We have sold over 450 sleighs and would like to thank everybody who has bought one so far.

Remember if you haven’t ordered yet to bring your form and money in ASAP so we can continue to get orders made up.

We still managed to find some time for photos to keep you all updated!

P4 and Miss Wiggins

8 thoughts on “Sleighs, Sleighs and More Sleighs!”

  1. Sleighing sounds like it is going extremely well Primary 4, hope you can manage to cope with the stress of keeping up with the orders.

    Mrs Leggatt

  2. I know these are looking great Thank you miss Wiggins for making this idea if you didn’t we wouldn’t be this far and I and p4 and miss Wiggins thank everyone who bought one of these fabulous slieghs!!!!!

    Kerri Robertson

  3. Hi P4 Just a wee reminder I’m coming for my sleighs on Wednesday – hope they’re ready and waiting!!

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