British Fictional Characters

We are working in groups to research famous fictional characters.  Can you tell me a little about the character you are working on and some new facts that you have learned.  You could also tell me what materials you need to create the large cut out of your character.

13 thoughts on “British Fictional Characters”

  1. 50 super large black pompoms , grey leather(if can’t get it grey paint)red and black clothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I am learning about Merida. She has long red fiery hair and blue eyes. She has a Mum called Queen Elinor.

    We would like to use red wool for the hair, blue paint and material.

  3. My charter is James Bond and I have learned lots. Please can I have black sugar paper and black paint and white paint 3 black buttons and black leather please.


  4. My character is Merida. She has wild red hair and her mum and dad is called Queen Elinor and King Fergus.

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