Cooking week – Pick me up pasta

We made a pasta salad today as part of our cooking week. We learned about preparing for cooking by washing our hands properly and setting out all our equipment and ingredients.  We learned how to hold a knife and chop safely. We all took turns to add the pasta, ham, basil, mozerella and tomatoes. We even made a vinegar dressing to finish our salad off. We have made some to take home for our families to try.

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3 thoughts on “Cooking week – Pick me up pasta”

  1. I enjoyed doing the homework tasks because they were fun. I really liked learning about Farm to fork about how they got the food from the farm to the shops and how they sell them. I liked the wee groups we went into for researching 5 facts, making farm animals and song in rap.

  2. It looks like you all had fun cooking last week. I am sure you learned lots about how to stay safe and enjoy tasting new things.

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