IDL homework task 29/10/15

For your homework tonight I would like you to leave a comment on our blog.  To do this just click on leave a comment and then post.  I would like you to write a few sentences about our farming topic. We have reached the end of the topic and I would like to know what you learned and any lessons you really enjoyed.  As with all IDL homework you have the weekend to complete this. Your comments should be ready to see in class on Monday.

Have fun!!!!

Mrs Waugh.

16 thoughts on “IDL homework task 29/10/15”

  1. I liked our farming topic. My favourite part was making the model farm. It was lots of fun because my dad helped me. I also liked going to the fruit farm and walking through the maze.

  2. I have learned that there are logos for different farms. For British farms it is a red tractor. I now know that black and white cows are dairy.
    I really enjoyed learning about farms. My favourite part was when I made a model farm.

  3. I learned how it got from the farms to the shops. My favourite lesson was making a piggy. I also learned all the different machines on the farm. I enjoyed doing my project of a farm at home. I learned all the different animals on the farm. I also learned how they harvest things. I learned about fields. I learned that the tractor is the most important machine on the farm. I also learned about diary foods. I enjoyed doing everything about farming. I enjoyed the farming topic!

  4. I liked learning about the farming project because I learned about all the hard work it takes to run a farm and all the different food that comes from a farm.

  5. I have learned that in the olden days horses had to pull lots of things to help the farmer. I also learned that farmers have to milk cows two times a day. I liked the topic grid. When I went to a farm with Griff, I liked when I got to feed the baby calves. I have really enjoyed this topic and I’m excited to see what our next topic is.

  6. I enjoyed doing our farming topic. I learned that the red tractor means the food is from a British farm and now I look for it when we are in the shops. My favourite part was making a model farm, making a farming word search and making the pigs!

  7. I liked our farming topic especially when we drew the tractors. I also enjoyed visiting a farm and writing a report for my homework. I learned about how crops grow, are harvested and then where they are transported too. I was excited when I spotted a red tractor sign on beef in the supermarket yesterday. I think this has been a very interesting topic!

  8. I really enjoyed making the farming wordsearch. The other thing I enjoyed was writing about all the other farming vehicles on a
    farm. I enjoyed learning about food that comes from a farm. I cant wait for the next topic.

  9. I enjoyed our farming topic especially making the scarecrow! I also enjoyed learning about looking out for different logos on food packets to tell you where they came from. I really enjoyed making the farm model and other IDL tasks.

  10. I really enjoyed the homework tasks, they were fun. I liked learning about food to fork and how the food goes from the farm to the shop. I also enjoyed our group tasks on the smart board, raps in songs and researching 5 facts on farming. I also was interested about learning about healthy/unhealthy food and unprocessed/processed food types.

  11. I liked my farming topic because the tasks were fun and i learned facts about it here is some. I learned that a baby cow is called a calf and that a pig can give birth up to 14 piglets. Any product that you buy in a supermarket that has a red tractor logo on it means it came from a British farm.

  12. I really enjoyed our homework tasks,i also liked the groups when we went onto the smart board,research 5 facts about farms,a paper cow and rap in song I also liked how the food from the farm to the shop and the prosecced and unprosecced foods.

  13. I really enjoyed my farming topic. I learned lots too.
    I learned that it is best to eat local fresh food and it is best to support local farmers.
    I had fun writing about lots of different parts of the tractor.
    I loved visiting the allotment because it fits in with our topic.
    I liked writing about all different machines.
    I loved doing the scarecrow – it was very art and crafty.

  14. Tia williamson

    I have enjoyed our farmimg topic because i have learned how hard it is to run a farm all the jobs that need done early in the morning and all the tractors and what they are used for , my favourite part was maken the animals cow chicken and pigs.

  15. I liked topic grid my favourite was the crossword l liked everyone’s things also models I learned all the 5 farms pig egg dairy crop sheep. I liked making the scarecrow’s

  16. I Liked doing the little knight and jester on the computer. I leaned that horses wore amemer to battle . Hopefully we do a topic as good as this in primary 4 and 5 😄😄😄😄😄😄❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I Love this topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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