Hello From Our New Class!

Welcome to our new Primary 3/4 blog!

We have started back with a bang!

Here are some of the important pieces of information you need to know.

Physical Education

We will be taught P.E. on Thursday mornings by Miss Hutchison and on Fridays by Miss Moore. The children are encouraged to bring in outdoor P.E. kit which can be left in school and indoor P.E. kit on the days stated above. A letter has been sent out regarding this.


Monday and Tuesday= Spelling and Reading

We are currently reading a whole class novel called “Flat Stanley” (which  is very exciting) and we are therefore taking homereaders home. The children have 2 weeks to read each one at their own pace.

The children each have their own spelling group and will be given homework worksheets or jotter work to complete.

Wednesday= Maths worksheet

Each maths group are given a comprehension worksheet on Wednesdays to complete. This is revision from class work to reinforce learning.

Thursday= Inter Disciplinary Learning (IDL)

On Thursdays the children have the opportunity to complete a task in relation to our class topic which is Flat Stanley. Throughout the year children may be given a project and will have 4 weeks to complete it. Each pupil may choose which task they wish to complete from a given list.

If you need any more information or wish to contact myself, please do.

Miss Moore

One thought on “Hello From Our New Class!”

  1. Hello P3/4 it is lovely to see you back! You are already getting into your work and I look forward to seeing more over the coming weeks.

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