All posts by Mr Murray


Primary 3 have been working hard this morning on improving their comprehension skills. We worked with a partner to find clues in our texts, make notes and write good quality answers. We know that this will help us understand what we are reading better and will improve our written work. It was also fun working with a different partner today.

Bonfire Night

We have been getting excited about firework night tomorrow and today we wrote about how to keep yourself safe with sparklers. We then used chalk to draw some amazing firework display pictures this afternoon.


We have had great fun this afternoon as we started our tennis block. We were learning about the ABC of tennis skills which are Agility, Balance and Coordination. The children were fantastic and I think we could be looking at some future Wimbledon stars!

Halloween Writing

Primary 3 used their taught writing time this week to write instructions for how to make a surprise Halloween box.  After our instructions were written, we had a go at making our own box.  Mr Murray thinks there may even be a treat in our box on Friday because we have been working so hard in class.  Fingers crossed!

Pirate Day


We are having a great time today celebrating Pirate Day.  We have still worked really hard on our reading but are now creating exciting pirate maps as part of our maths work.  We have a special Pirate Cake which Jake has decided he will share with all crew members who have kept their superstar status this week.