All posts by Mr Murray

Homework Task

A few pupils have been asking how long they have left to complete their pyramid tasks.  I just wanted to confirm that all projects should be in by next Friday 6th March.  Then we’ll work on the next challenge of trying to find somewhere big enough to display all this wonderful work.


Pancake Day

We used some time this morning to make pancakes together as a class and then wrote instructions for other people to use.  We enjoyed this activity though the pancakes didn’t all turn out great.  We think Mr Murray should spend some time practising his cooking! However we each got a pancake and put some toppings on them as a snack.

The Big Dig

As part of our Egyptian topic, we have started a dig in class to try and uncover some treasures. We are working two at a time and are using a small knife (plastic) and brush to try and scrape away the clay bit by bit. We are seeing signs of a mummy tomb so check back and see what else we have found.



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