All posts by Mr Murray

Kelvingrove Trip

P3 had a fantastic day today at Kelvingrove Museum. We found out more about ancient Egypt through a workshop where some of us were selected to be Pharaohs and Gods.  We created our own Gods and got to touch and feel some ancient artefacts.  After lunch we walked a short distance to Kelvingrove Park where we played in the play park and the Easter Bunny also made a special visit and we had to hunt for our eggs.

Easter Nests

We made Easter Nests this morning using shredded wheat and mini eggs.  We had to break up the shredded wheat and mix it in with the melted chocolate to make the nest shapes.  Then we added mini eggs afterwards.  We then used this experience to write instructions.  It was great fun and we are getting really excited about Easter.

End of Topic

Boys and Girls,

We will be coming to the end of our Egyptian topic soon and I hope everyone is looking forward to their trip on Thursday.  Miss Quirk and I were wondering what your favourite part of this topic was.  Send a comment to let us know.

Moses Newspapers

We finished our Moses story this week in class and used this for our weekly writing lesson. We had to come up with our own headline for our article and remember to add in some speech marks.  Here are some examples.

Mummy Portraits

Primary 3 spent some time this afternoon creating Mummy portraits.  We chose a partner and got some bandages to start making our mummies.  We’ll finish these tomorrow but have a look at our work so far.