All posts by Mr Murray

Deal or No Deal

We were thinking about Chance today during maths time.  We talked about whether things were likely or unlikely to happen and played some games of Deal or No Deal to see what the chances of winning the top prize were.  Max won 50p and Jamie won £20.00

Eid ul fitr

We have been looking at the festival of Eid today in class and have learned about why and how it is celebrated.  Faria and Amna did a fantastic job of explaining more about Eid and brought in things from home to show us.


This week we started revising our knowledge of time.  We discussed days, months, years and started to look at digital and analogue clocks.  We revised o’clock and half past and will be looking at quarter past and quarter to next week.  We created our own clocks to help with our Time activities in class.

Mini Builders

As part of our Eco house topic, we were discussing the advantages of brick as a building material.  We made our own brick together as a class, hopefully it will work but we’ll need to wait until tomorrow to find out.