All posts by Mrs Murdoch

School Show Information

As you know we are going to be transforming into ‘Rockstars’ for our school show performance this year. We have our dress rehearsal on Monday, our show Tuesday afternoon and evening as well as Wednesday evening. It would be very helpful if the children could come to these performances with some sort of ‘Rockstar’ hair ie back combed/ ponytail etc.Children have been asking if it is ok for parents to put coloured hairspray through their hair beforehand – this is completely fine to do.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss W

Outdoor Maths

We had so much fun outside doing our Position and Movement topic for maths. We started by turning the chess squares into a grid where we labelled the numbers and the letters in the correct place. We then drew different things by giving each other grid references. It was a great way to learn. We then worked on moving around using directions by guiding our partners to different places in the playground. We used proper directions like ‘forward 2 steps, turn left, turn right etc’.

Our Eco House Trip

P3 had lots of fun visiting the Eco Houses at Ravenscraig. We found out about lots of interesting ways that we could help the environment. We learned about renewable energy and how this is made. We are looking forward to using this learning in school during some exciting activities.


We love Science in P3 and our latest investigation was called ‘Buried Treasure’. We used 4 different solutions (tomato sauce, vinegar, lemon juice and cola) to investigate which one would clean the best. We found that tomato sauce cleaned the coin the best because it had the most acid in it. We can’t wait to do our next investigation!


We have been enjoying the sunshine in P3 and we try to get outside for learning on a regular basis. Here are some photos of us making our Eco Warrior Shields outside and enjoying the sunshine.

Building a House the Green Way

Our new topic is Building a House the Green Way. We have been looking at building a house using different materials. In this investigation we found that sand, straw, soil and paper did not work very well for a house when the wind a rain came. Here are some of our photos from this investigation.