Kelvingrove Trip

P3 had a fantastic day today at Kelvingrove Museum. We found out more about ancient Egypt through a workshop where some of us were selected to be Pharaohs and Gods.  We created our own Gods and got to touch and feel some ancient artefacts.  After lunch we walked a short distance to Kelvingrove Park where we played in the play park and the Easter Bunny also made a special visit and we had to hunt for our eggs.

8 thoughts on “Kelvingrove Trip”

  1. I heard a little bit about your day out today from Mr Murray. I hope you all enjoyed the trip and learned a little more about Egypt. You were very lucky having such good weather and being able to play in the park. I just wonder how the Easter Bunny knew where you were and had hidden all the eggs for you to find. Maybe he was watching you all the time?

  2. i like the schoool trip and i like it at kelvingrove****and finding the eggs for all of us and i like the park and the shop and i by loom bands and my partner was olivia and i have a lots of fun at kelvingrove the end***

  3. I am delighted you enjoyed your trip to Kelvingrove, I love it there too. I heard you did very well asking and answering questions about Egypt and showed that you had learned lots and lots! Well done everyone!

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