Easter Nests

We made Easter Nests this morning using shredded wheat and mini eggs.  We had to break up the shredded wheat and mix it in with the melted chocolate to make the nest shapes.  Then we added mini eggs afterwards.  We then used this experience to write instructions.  It was great fun and we are getting really excited about Easter.

8 thoughts on “Easter Nests”

  1. Thank you so much boys and girls for my little treat! A lovely surprise waiting for me and it tasted delicious!

  2. I loved my little nest Primary 3. It brightened my day and the shredded wheat was really nice coated in chocolate.

  3. it was messy but AWSOME it was tasty I wish I could eat 100,000,000,000 of them LOL LOL

  4. i like it but my tow things that i like to do was makeing the things and eating them and working as a tame so it was verey good

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