Pancake Day

We used some time this morning to make pancakes together as a class and then wrote instructions for other people to use.  We enjoyed this activity though the pancakes didn’t all turn out great.  We think Mr Murray should spend some time practising his cooking! However we each got a pancake and put some toppings on them as a snack.

3 thoughts on “Pancake Day”

  1. These look great Primary 3. I am really jealous that I wasn’t there to share them with you. Please let me know the next time you are making something exciting so that I can come and help Mr Murray with his cooking!

    Mrs Leggatt

  2. Although the pancakes maybe didn’t turn out as expected I’m sure you all had great fun! You have learned how to stay safe when cooking using cookers and pans and you know the importance of keeping clean. These skills will help you when you start to cook things on your own as you grow older.

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