Today, we went to Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow for our educational visit. We had a great time. The children loved looking at all that Kelvingrove had to offer. They spent their money in the shop, enjoyed their packed lunch, heard the organist play the huge pipe organ in the main foyer – way up high above their heads and enjoyed the guided tour, adding to their previous knowledge about Vikings. They behaved and represented our school very well. Thank you to Miss Rintoul and Mrs Speirs who accompanied us and helped make our visit possible. Well done, P2b – I hope you enjoyed your day. What was your favourite part of the day?
Making bruschetta in P2b
We have just had cooking week in school. Everyone enjoyed making bruschetta, using ciabatta slices, garlic, chopped tomatoes, cheese, chives and basil. Thank goodness it only took between 5 and 10 minutes to cook in the oven because lots of the children were desperate to tuck in.
Welcome to our colourful bay!
Here are a few pictures of our bright and colourful bay in P2b. It is a pleasure to be in there each day. We hope you agree that our environment is welcoming and cheerful.
Circle Time
in Circle Time today, the children were working in groups, deciding on good and bad attributes for friendship. They classified attributes into “A good friend” and “Not a good friend” and had decide where to put each card. They also had to come up with some ideas of their own. They came up with good ideas.
Handa’s Surprise
Our IDL topic is Handa’s Surprise. Today we had a variety of tasks going on: “The Tasters” cut up tropical fruits and tasted them – completing a taste investigation card when they had finished. “The Testers” tested out a new Data Handling game about Handa’s Surprise and will feed back to the rest of the class on its suitability for class use at IDL time. “The Authors” were sequencing the story and re-telling it in their own words. “The Experts” were completing a fact file about Kenya and “The Artists” were designing “Carmen Miranda” fruit baskets on their own heads, using tropical fruits found in our story. We had a lovely afternoon.
Maths Fun
P2b have been learning the concept of Data Handling in class. Here they are, completing a variety of tasks and using Pictograms, tally marks and block graphs. The Circles group even got to eat the Smarties once their graph was coloured in. They really enjoyed the task.
Water, water everywhere!
The children are measuring and working on the concept of capacity with our student, Miss Rintoul. They LOVED the tasks and enjoyed measuring the amounts of water that each container could hold.
Thank you!
A big thank you to Honeywell Nursery for allowing P2b to use their assault course during our P.E time. We tested it out and fed our positive comments back to Mrs McGrory from the nursery.
Gymnastics in P2b
We are doing gymnastics this term and the children are learning to balance, roll, jump and land carefully and work from different levels. Here are pictures of some children working on benches and the small box. They had great fun.
Kandinsky in art!
In discrete art lessons, P2b have been learning the technique of collage. Here are some of the children working together to create trees in blossom in the style of the great Russian artist, Wassily Kandinsky. They had a great time and worked really well with their partner, sharing the tasks to complete a lovely piece of art. You can find these on our Art Display wall in class or in our special P2b cabinet in the infant cloakroom.