Important: English Classes 2020-21

The English department will soon be using Microsoft Teams to deliver work to all classes. Please login to Teams using your Glow account to access your new English class for the 2020-21 session.

  • All current S1 and S3 pupils will remain with the same teacher(s) but you will now be known as S2 and S4
  • All current S2 and S4 pupils should check the table below to find out who their new English teacher will be
  • S5 English pupils progressing to S6 will be added to the relevant class at a later date once the options process is complete.
2019-20 Current session and teacher) 2020-21 New session and teacher
2T1 Ms Moseley 3A1 Mr McDonald
2T2 Mrs Passmore/Mrs Hall 3A2 Mrs Robertson-Bishop
2T3 Mr McDonald 3A3 Mrs Passmore/Mrs Hall
2T4 Mr Brown 3A4 TBC (Miss Downie)
2T5 Miss Downie 3A5 Ms Heron
2T6 Mrs Rodgers/ Miss Downie 3A6 Mr Brown


2019-20 Current session and teacher 2020-21 New session and teacher
4A1 Mr McDonald 5A1 Mrs Robertson-Bishop
4A2 Mr Brown/ Mrs Passmore 5A2 Ms Moseley
4A3 Mrs Rodgers 5A3 Mr McDonald
4A4 Mr Brown 5A4 Mrs Passmore
4A5 Ms Heron 5A4 Ms Heron
4A6 Mrs Rodgers 5A6 Mr Brown


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