Tag Archives: Chicks

Chicks Update

The children are all very excited to have 10 baby chicks in our class and can’t wait until next week when we can finally hold them. The chicks have also been on the move and have arrived safely at their new home for the weekend.

Check back soon for more photographs.

Chick News

We had a very exciting day today as we arrived to 6 more chicks arriving during the night taking our total up to 8 but the excitement didn’t stop there as 2 more chicks arrived in the afternoon with the children able to watch the last chick hatch. We have now moved 8 chicks to the brooder box and the others will join them tomorrow.


During this week we are going to be learning how to care for the chicks that arrive in our school next week. The chicks will be in our class and we have been given the responsibility of caring for them throughout their stay. We are all very excited.