The Mystery Deepens!

The mystery continues in Primary 6…

We were all very excited to find another letter from our mystery organisation that we can only name as MSB. The letter was hidden in an iPad!

MSB has asked Primary 6 to carry out an important survey within Townhead. We are to find out what changes and improvements children and adults would like to see in the local area. Our first task was to design a questionnaire that will help us to do this. We used the iPads to look at some good examples of questionnaires…

Then we went to the ICT suite and used our Word skills to create our own individual questionnaires. Later, we printed them off and decided in groups, which was the one that suited our needs best…

It was so hard to decide because they were all really great! We think we’ve done really well with this task and can’t wait to receive our next task from MSB.

In saying that, Aidan found a large brown envelope hidden in the class today…we’ll be opening it tomorrow. Watch this space!

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