Confirmation almost here!

We have been learning about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We learned about them by thinking of a fruit tree.  If the tree gets lots of sunshine and water it begins to grow fruit. If we use the gifts of the Holy Spirit then people will see us showing the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. We will grow into young people living like Jesus did.  Showing patience, self-control, love and gentleness are some of those fruits.

On Monday we will be going down to St. Bartholomew’s church to practise for our confirmation. We have been learning some hymns for next Thursday, our favourite is “Shine Jesus Shine”.

Our  Topic on the Scottish Wars of Independence is getting exciting! William Wallace has just won a great victory! Today we started to design and make some small shields called targes that were used during the time of Wallace.  Once we had our circles cut we had to find their diameter and radius. The real challenge was measuring the circumference.  Peter was the first to come up with a solution. We are going to use the  I pads to give us  ideas  for the front of our shields.

Yesterday we started our new maths topic on percentages. We have learned that per means each and cent means 100. We say that percentage means out of a 100. It is a part of a whole number. We have to search for percentages being used in our  every day lives.   Blog by Tia and Shawn

2 thoughts on “Confirmation almost here!”

  1. Good luck with the final preparations for your confirmation primary 6. Primary 1 are keeping you in their prayers this week.

  2. I am really looking forward to attending your Confirmation on Thursday night. It has been interesting looking at your display outside your classroom, especially reading the research you have done on the saints who inspire you.
    The prayer group will be remembering you during Wednesday’s prayer service and we will be praying that your Confirmation will be a memorable night on your jouney of faith.

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