Our maths this week has been all about symmetry. We know that symmetry means one half of a shape is the mirror image of the other half. We found lots of symmetry in our classroom including our faces although Rhiannon had more freckles on one side of her face than the other which meant we couldn’t say her face had a line of symmetry!

During our Dance session this week Charan asked us to become a chrysalis transforming into a butterfly. Today we used our ICT time to find out more about the lifecycle of the butterfly. It is in four stages and our piece of dance was stage three and four. We were amazed to find out that the female butterfly lays 200 eggs! Butterflies are also a great example of symmetry in nature. Shawn’s butterfly drawing in her Learning Log looks fantastic!

Confirmation is getting closer. This week we learned what happened at Pentecost. Each of us read Acts 2: 1-4 and then wrote about it using our own words. We had great fun drawing ourselves for our Prayer Partner display.

Earlier this week we used our I Pads to find out about William Wallace and the part he played in the Wars of Independence. We used Role Play to show how he defeated the English Army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge. Blair was very interested to hear that there is still a bridge over the River Forth near the spot where it all happened.

Next week we are going to find out what HAPPENED NEXT to William Wallace!

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