Today we had our second Creative Dance session. We are working with Charran. He is from Nepal. He is a performer and a choreographer. So far it has been fun but at the same time challenging. Today each of us had to create our own movements to a piece of music. We had to do this with the rest of the class watching! Chloe was the first to go followed by Heather and Megan! Everyone was nervous and self-conscious! We were asked not to speak as it was disrespectful to the person dancing! By the end everyone was in the centre of the hall performing their own movements. Many of us couldn’t believe that we had done it!
In class we have been busy preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Today we were researching the lives of saints. We have been learning that saints are people who with the help of the Holy Spirit were able to lead extraordinary lives. We are choosing a saint’s name for our Confirmation name.

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