We have started a new maths topic on TIME. At the moment we are learning how to calculate durations of time. We decided to note down all the key times during our afternoon at the Panto. Heather and Cathryn took on the job of recording the information. They did really well. They took a notepad and pen with them. When we were looking out the window of the bus and waving at Mr Lynch they were writing down our leaving time! At our first maths session after the Panto they shared all their information. For example, we worked out how long the journey was, the length of the intermission, the first half and the second half even how long we stood outside! Well done Heather and Catherine.
We wrote thank you letters to Mark Millar today. Our challenge was to use connectives to extend our sentences and use adjectives to make them really interesting. Vhairi said: ” We’ve spent all day on our letters but it’s actually been a lot of fun!” Alicia and Shawn designed a brilliant front folder to hold our letters. They had to make it eye-catching and easy to read.
In ICT this week we learned how to add animations to our PowerPoint presentation slides. We hope they will grab the attention of the person reading them. On Monday we hope to finish everything off and then share our learning with each other. We are going to peer assess each other’s PowerPoint presentation.

One thought on “PANTO MATHS”

  1. I’m very impressed you were able to write such a detailed list of the timings of events, Cathryn. I wondered if you had any time to watch the panto after I saw your long list!
    Cathryn’s Mum

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