Yesterday we had our class mass in the school Oratory. It was a really special occasion for us. In class at our RE times we have been learning all about the different parts of the mass so being able to watch Fr Docherty so closely really helped our learning. Here are some of our thoughts on our class mass:

” I felt Jesus was speaking to me. It was nice and peaceful and we also learned a lot.” Rhiannon.

“It was great because I was sitting close to the Altar.” Vhairi

” This was my first time being so close to Father Docherty and I would like to have another mass with him.” Jennifer

“I thought it was very interesting because we were
so close to the altar so we could hear everything Father Docherty was saying. I was really nervous doing my reading.” Heather

“I enjoyed being up close as it helped me remember that Jesus was in front of us. I could hear and see everything Father Docherty was doing. I really enjoyed it, it was great.” Scott Hamilton

“I enjoyed our class mass because it was different being closer to the altar.” Euan McMahon

“I felt strange because we were closer to the altar.”
Jai Corner

“I thought our class mass was amazing because it was very different from the mass in church and also we were much closer to father and the altar.”Eilidh Gilmour

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