Author: John Johnston

I am a teacher, currently working in Banton Primary for North Lanarkshire Council. I also act as Product Owner/provide support for Glow Blogs.


Find some text you like, maybe the poetry box, or a book you are reading. Maybe something you have written.

Copy it out in your best writing, make it beautiful.

Or ask Mr Johnston for a sheet to copy.

Single Activity Template

(You can copy this post to your e-portfolio and edit it. Remove everything inside the brackets. Change the post title too Delete the instructions before you post) 

Choose one activity you have done in school this week

Write a short description of the activity. What you did?

Think about

  • What did you learn?
  • What did you do well?
  • What could you have done better?
  • What more would you like to do or find out.

Copy this to your e-Portfolio

  • Add a good title 
  • Add a profile tag
  • Add a featured image


To fork this you'll have to login.

Weekly Evaluation Template

(You can copy this post to your e-portfolio and edit it. remove everything inside the brackets. Change the post title too)

Weekly Evaluation

This Week my best work was 

This week I could have worked harder on 

My favourite activity this week was 

My least favourite activity this week was 

Next week I would like to 

My target for next week is

Add 4 emoji to show how your week went 

(Add a good title, weekly review is not a good title))

(Add a profile tag)

(Add a featured image)

To fork this you'll have to login.

Music Listen and respond

(You can copy this post to your e-portfolio and edit it. remove everything inside the brackets. Change the post title too)


(Draw a picture while listening, use as your featured image)

(put in a youtube link)

This music make me feel:

This music make me think about:

Words that come to my mind when listening:

What I like/dislike about this music and why


Star rating ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

To fork this you'll have to login.

Poetry Box

Dig into the box, read some poems, find one you like:
You could copy out a poem and illustrated it, practise saying it to share it with the class or write a poem yourself.

Only got a few minutes:

Dig into the box, read a poem.

Or read some of our own: