Magic Maths!
Well done!! It was great to see some super division and to hear you explain how you did it. Keep it up!
Well done!! It was great to see some super division and to hear you explain how you did it. Keep it up!
It was lovely to see all the children dress down today in support of Children in Need. We raised a fantastic £277.70!!!! Thank you for all the donations.
The Christmas Fayre is less than a month away and the Parent Council are busy planning this event. We are sure it’s going to be another successful night. It would be great if you were all able to support us – here’s how you can: Wednesday 22nd November 2017 The Parent Council will be in Viewpark Church from 6.30pm till 8.30pm and would be delighted to accept donations of books
The School meals are changing this week to support Scottish School Meals week. There will be themed menus for 3 days -1st, 2nd and 3rd of November. Wednesday 1 November is Meat Free Day The menu will be Lentil soup, Quorn Tikka and rice or Cheese and Tomato Pizza, Swiss roll and custard plus any drink. The children receive soup or dessert, a main meal and a drink for £2.00.
On Friday 13th October 2017 the children can leave their uniforms at home as we are having a dress down day. All we ask is that the children could bring a chocolate donation with them to school for the Parent Council’s Christmas Fayre. It could be a box of chocolates, a selection box or even a chocolate bar! Donations will be used on the chocolate tombola stall. Please remember that
Well done to P4 for being the best class last week (1/8/17). Keep up the great work!
The children enjoying their playtime. We even managed to miss the rain!!
Hello I am Miss Alison Sommerville, the new Head Teacher of Aitkenhead Primary. I am excited to take on this new role and continue to drive the school forward! Previously I have worked in both North and South Lanarkshire and have had the role of Acting Head Teacher in two North Lanarkshire schools before being appointed as Head Teacher of Aitkenhead Primary. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first two weeks