Primary 5 Maths and Numeracy

Primary 5 have been busy making a subtraction game in their cooperative learning groups which they can now play in class. Some are board games and others are card games. This tested their skills in mental agility greatly to ensure their games are accurate. We have now moved on to learning how to be sensible with our money! Pairs were given a shopping list and they had to search online

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Christmas Fayre

Our Parent Council are once again hosting a Christmas Fayre for us! It’s taking place next Thursday, 30th November. Well done to Alix from P6 and Skye from P5 for designing our poster for us.

Jack and the Beanstalk

All of the classes enjoyed a trip to Motherwell Civic Theatre this afternoon to watch the pantomime. Erin from P4 and Adam from P3 even managed to get on the stage with Billy to sing a song! It’s put us in the mood for our own show now, tickets on sale from today!  

Jack and the Beanstalk

On Tuesday, 21 November the whole school will be visiting Motherwell Civic Theatre for the production of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children are allowed to bring a small snack to eat while they watch the pantomime. We will be returning to school around 4pm. Remember that Monday is an inservice day for teachers only!