Careers Information

Planning your next step? Whether looking at further study, applying for jobs or voluntary work, the LRC can help. We hold a reference collection of prospectuses from Scottish universities and local colleges and many careers related books. For links to local colleges and universities click here:

Local Colleges and Universities

Visit PlanIT Plus for both accurate and up-to-date, careers, learning and school information. For help with researching careers, building your CV, interview preparation and more, another must visit website is My World of Work.

Your Careers Adviser is in school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the Pupil Support Base. A Careers Clinic is held every Tuesday afternoon and you can attend by asking your Pupil Support Teacher for an appointment. There is also an S1-S3 drop in held in the library on Thursday lunchtime.

If you are looking for work try these useful websites: – Lots of information about what a Modern Apprenticeship is, what’s involved and you can also search for and apply for current vacancies.
myjobscotland – Recruitment portal advertising all vacancies available in Scottish local authorities.
Universal Jobmatch – Job search service provided by Jobcentre Plus. Advertises jobs and voluntary work opportunities. –  Recruitment site for jobs in Scotland.

For local information on job trends in your area, you can find it on the Skills Development Scotland website:

For a more comprehensive list of general recruitment websites and industry specific websites, as advised by your Careers Adviser, click below:

Recruitment websites

For a list of School Leaver Employers Click below:

School Leaver Employers

Remember, if you can’t find what you’re looking for or need help searching for careers related information, please also ask the LRC Manager.

If you are a parent or guardian wishing to help a child with career choices, click here.

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