Tag Archives: RE

Head Teacher’s Blog

This blog will be updated on a regular basis. It will give information about the activities going on in St Thomas’ Primary School.

May 1st 2013

We had a highly successful CEOP event last night in St Ignatius Primary. Four of our cluster primaries and St Aidan’s High School took part. There was a good turn out of parents. Children led each session and told parents about blogging, cyber bullying, social network sites and online gaming. TheĀ  police, social work and NLC computer centre staff were also present.

This morning I visited Belhaven nursery and met three pupils who will join us in August. Two children from our present Primary One accompanied me. Mrs Preston, Miss Roy and myself will emdeavour to meet with every child who is joining our school in August.

We had a visit from the RSPCA who spoke to the children about looking after our pets. The nursery children attended one session.