Week Beginning Monday 25th 2016

Our Joseph rehearsals are going well so far. We held our first after school club this week and we are delighted with the progress so far! The cast are gaining in confidence and they are singing out well and showing off their acting skills. I think the children with lead roles have suddenly realised the work ahead! One of our parents came along to offer help with costumes. Any other parents or career who can help is very welcome!

We are lucky to have a number of coaches working with the children this term. The nursery children and P4 work with a group of students from Motherwell College. We have rugby, football, swimming and cross country coaches in too. A big thank you to Mr Finnon who organises and co-ordinates these  activities.

Miss Roy is involved in mentoring this year’s probationer teachers. She is undertaking an additional qualification at Glasgow University.

P3, 3/4 and 4 visited New Lanark this week. They spent time in the Victorian Classroom and visited the mills, the house and shops and took a ride back in time with Annie McLeod. This was a great way of bringing the children’s learning to life.

We had a visit from Patricia Leeson, NLC attainment advisor from Education Scotland. She spent time in P5/6 observing a mental maths lesson and then she visited P1 to see their maths lesson and active play. She finished her visit by spending some time in the rainbow room. She was very impressed by our children and how engaged they are in their learning.

On Friday morning I spent time at a transition event. We looked at how we could improve the transition from nursery to P1. The hope is that the move will be seamless with a learning topic starting in the nursery and continuing into P1 – we asked this year’s primary one parents how we could improve the transition and following their feedback we will carry out individual meetings with every new parent. Watch this space….