P1 Mothers Day Assembly

Our P1 pupils hosted a Mothers Day Coffee Morning for their Mum, Gran or special person.  After their tea the adults were entertained by the lovely singing of the boys and girls.  There was hardly a dry eye in the house when we watched a video with the boys and girls saying what they loved about their Mum.  All our special guests were given a flower and a big hug.  It was a lovely morning.


Below is a condensed version of the video we played.

Crazy Hair Day

Today for our SCIAF fundraiser we had a crazy hair day. With wigs, Spray paint, back combing and hair 2 feet high it was a crazy sight to see. Well done everyone!!!

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Reported by Niamh and Catherine


Primary 7 Graduation

On Friday 20th of June the P7 pupils celebrated their leaving mass and graduation. The staff,pupils,parents,Fr. Tracey,Fr. Andrew & invited guests came together to remember their times at St. Patricks and look forward to their new adventures as they move to high school. There were,laughs and tears.we wish them success and will miss them dearly.

Sports Day!

The whole school had a great sports day and everyone had great fun. There were lots of races from the three legged race, sprint and a running relay. It was great fun.


Strathcarron Hospice Fundraiser

This week we have been fundraising for Strathcarron Hospice by selling yellow bracelets and by having a balloon pop which you can win prizes from. Luke Nash won the whole school balloon pop and altogether we raised £758.58 well done to all our pupils and parents!