This Months Diary Date [ Febuary ]

Primary 3’s got enroled with the right of illumination With a candle ceremony on the 2nd of Febuary,

Anual Dental Inspection 7th of Febuary [ Only Primary 1’s and 7’s ]

James Johonson Our buissness partner gave £123 to the primary 7’s on there Myco Tyco Project And Equiptment to the eco comittee for our school garden on the 5th of Febuary

Catholic Education Week Starts On The 23rd Febuary Till The 28th

Wedensday the 27th the school of rugby [ St Maurisns ]

The PTA Bingo Night is on the 28th of Febuary in the Parish Hall   [P.S. Adults only!!!]

Reported By Niamh