Monthly Archives: February 2014

Scottish Parliament Visit

This week P6, P6/5 and P5/4 got a visit from a member of the Scottish Parliament Outreach Programme. The person who came was called Mrs Miller she taught them about the Parliament and they had their very own debate about different things. When she left everyone had learned about the Parliament and some pupils even said the wanted to go into politics.
Reported by Catherine and Erin

Football Festival

On Friday the 31st of Feburary some of the children went to a Football Festival in Broadwood. The girls went to a skills course and then played some games. The boys played 7 a side games and won one and drew two. Overall the children had a great day and enjoyed themselves.


Mrs.Clark and Primary 2/1

Mrs.Clark and Primary 2/1 have been selling Valentine’s cards in the foyer for that special someone. They have also been selling love heart stickers to fund for a trip to Deep Sea World. Primary 2/1 have also started using story bags which are little blue rucksacks containing lots of educational and fun books. The primary 1’s are thoroughly enjoying this treat.

Eco Committee

Primary 3 and primary 4/3 have begun their green schools revolution.
Also the green team have set up a new notice board in the primary
1-3 cloakroom.There is litter prevention posters on that board.
Matthew and Cameron have organised a new schedule for primary 3 and 3/4 litter monitors for this term.
By Sarah Lochrie

Sacramental Preperation

Primary 4\3 have started their preperation for Reconcilation.  As well as Reconcilation the children are also preparing to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Confession.  The Primary 3 pupils received their candles at 12 o’clock Mass last Sunday as part of their preperations.


P.6 Clyde in the Classroom Update

The P.6’s of St.Patrick’s Primary School Kilsyth
received their trout eggs on Tuesday the 28th of January and all the eggs have hatched.  They are now looking after approx. 200 Alevins which they hope to be able to release when they are strong enough.

Reported by Brendan Cullen