Senior Leadership Team

Mrs C Connelly (Front, Centre) – Head Teacher
As Headteacher, Mrs Connelly has overall responsibility for the school community.  Particular responsibilities include the Vision and Values of the school, the School Improvement Plan and Report, analysis of Attainment and Achievement data and staff welfare.

Mrs E Fagan (Front, Right) – Depute Head Teacher (S1)
Responsibility for Health and Wellbeing, Child Protection and Safeguarding procedures, the P7 – S1 transition programme including liaison with partner Primary Schools and our Anti-bullying Policy. She has overall responsibility for Pupil Support and the Personal Support programme throughout the school.

Mrs F Imani (Back , Left) – Acting Depute Head Teacher (S2 & S3)
Responsibility for Learning and Teaching, Numeracy, the development of the Broad General Education, professional development of staff and Probationer and Student teachers.

Mr L McKague (Back, Centre) – Depute Head Teacher (S4)
Responsibility for Developing the Young Workforce through employability skills, work placements and positive destinations, ICT developments, SQA arrangements, Health and Safety, school transport and Behaviour Management Policy.

Mrs S Devlin (Front, Left) – Depute Head Teacher (S5 & S6)
Responsibility for the curriculum rationale, literacy, senior phase curriculum including consortium and vocational arrangements, the school timetable, staffing and staff cover, UCAS, EMA and the Pupil Council.

Mrs K Keeney (Back, Right) – Acting Depute Head Teacher (P.E.F.)
Responsible for interventions and activities to close the attainment gap, using the Pupil Equity Fund.