All posts by Mr McKenna

Homework Week Beginning 25th October

Here is a copy of the homework that has been issued to the children on Tuesday the 25th of October. The children have a copy in their homework diary. Please sign the homework diary to confirm homework has been completed.

Please return by Tuesday the 2nd of November.

Homework Tuesday 25th October

Reading – First Minister’s Reading Challenge

Choose a book which you want to read based on your book personality. Read as much as you like. When you have completed the book let me know so that you can complete a book review.


Choose a task from the list at the front of your homework jotter and complete in lined jotter.

Maths – Shape

Worksheet issued for shape work

Talk Homework

Tell someone at home all about the day of the dead. Give them at least 3 facts that you have learned!

Homework to be returned by Tuesday the 2ndof November.

Welcome back!

Welcome to the autumn term! Homework will be issued tomorrow (Tuesday 25th) and the children will decide on the challenge that they will take part for the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. This will be the children’s reading homework.

The Halloween parade will be held this Friday and children may dress up in the afternoon.

Homework Week Beginning 9th of May


sir, stir, bird, third, dirt, shirt, skirt, first, thirst, fire, wire, tired


In class we have been looking at describing the journey taken using the correct vocabulary.

In your lined jotter, record the during taken from your bed to the front door or you could describe the full journey from the house to the school.


In class we have been learning about God’s Loving Plan. Identify a relatives,friend, sports person, member of the local community who work to improve the lives of others in the local community, Scotland or the wider world.

Write down information about them and the skills and abilities that they have and how they are used to improve others lives.

You can choose to do this as a written report, poster of powerpoint slide. This piece of homework is due on the 20th of May.

Homework Week Beginning 18th of April

Spelling – revision of spelling words

found, hound, car, cart, bar, cork, fork, law, paw, dew, few,lamb, bomb, jelly, penny


List examples of time devices around your house and local area. Record what they are and what they are used for. Sort your devices into groups using your own criteria i.e – timers etc

Daily News

Read up on some news this week and summarise it in your jotter. Newsround is a good source of information.