All posts by Mr Rance

Senior Phase Religious Education in Catholic Schools

In December 2014, senior phase learners in four denominational secondary schools across North Lanarkshire agreed to speak on camera about their experiences of and views about RERC in the Senior Phase. We were lucky enough to be one of those schools taking part. A series of questions was drawn up in discussion with RERC staff and the Scottish Catholic Education Service which the learners were given beforehand. Learners spoke about the value of RERC for them in school now, and their views about how RERC could help them in their lives in the future. All agreed that RERC was a very valued activity for them in school, and something which contributed greatly to their learning and their faith development overall.

Click HERE to hear some of our pupil’s (past and present) views and those of pupils from St Andrew’s, Coatbridge,  St Aidan’s, Wishaw and Taylor High, New Stevenson.


Ascension Thursday

Ascension Thursday – Holy Day of Obligation

Mass will be celebrated in school today at the following times

Period 4 – S1

Period 5 – S2

Period 6 – S3

Any pupil who is on study leave is most welcome to attend mass at any of the above times.


Ash Wednesday Arrangements

Arrangements for Ash Wednesday

“Turn away from sin and believe in the gospel”

Pupils will have the chance to recieve their ashes today at the following times from Father Krzysztof and Deacon Mario. They will be assisted by our 6th Year Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.

Period 1 9.00 9.30 – S2 Deacon Marion
Period 1 & 2 9.30 10.00 – S4 Deacon Mario
Period 2 10.00 10.30 – S1 Deacon Mario
Period 3 10.55 11.25 – S3 Deacon Mario
Period 3 & 4 11.30 12.00 S5 Father Krzysztof & Deacon Mario
Period 4 12.00 12.30 S6 Father Krzysztof & Deacon Mario