Our First Week Together

We have had a fabulous first full week at school. Here’s a wee sneaky look at what’s happening in our classes:

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Meanwhile in the nursery, they’ve had a very exciting week:

Our new nursery children are settling in well with the help of our Pre-school buddies who are helping them learn the nursery rules/routines. We are starting to get to know our new children through our ‘All About Me’ topic which will continue over the next few weeks.

In snack the children have been learning the snack routine and have been role-playing in the house corner.

Outdoors the children have been encouraged to share and take turns while using the bikes and scooters. They have been learning the importance of wearing helmets while on the bikes. The children have also been carrying out the nursery Eco tasks outdoors by feeding the birds, watering the plants and tidying the garden.

In the Literacy area the children have been introduced to the story buddies and have been listening to a range of stories about sharing, caring and friendships while using the story buddies. They have been discussing and recording while they are special.

In numeracy they have been exploring a variety of Smartboard activities relating to the ‘All About Me’ topic and they have been using the measuring tape to record their heights and compare sizes.

The art area has been busy with the children exploring the sand, water and the art materials. They have been using the new paint pens to draw their self portraits which are now displayed on the art wall.

All children have now had their nursery shoes painted and are proudly wearing them throughout the session.

Nursery photos coming soon, I promise.

Mrs Shields


One thought on “Our First Week Together”

  1. Great to see everyone settling into their new classes and doing great work already. The staff have obviously worked hard to get everyone up and running so soon, and the slide shows on the blog are excellent viewing!

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