A Wonderful Start to our New School Year

A delightful return for all of our pre-school nursery pupils, our P2 to P7 pupils, our staff and our parents. A huge warm welcome to our new nursery pupils and their families, our P1 pupils and parents and our new staff members; Miss McAlinden in P6 and Miss Coughlan in P5.

A wee quiz to start the year, our blog this week for our whole school community is entitled – Find My Child.

I’ve taken photographs all around the school and nursery to capture a flavour of our first couple of days, have a look and see if you can spot your child in class.

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As always, please leave a comment or two. We would love to hear from you.

Mrs Shields

2 thoughts on “A Wonderful Start to our New School Year”

  1. I must have looked through these pictures three times before I found Ava, it’s hard to get used to her now having glasses!

  2. Spotted Mairead- listening very carefully to Mrs Murphy! She said she was so ‘excited and glad to be back at school, she missed all of her friends and Mrs Murphy is very creative’ 😊

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