Every Picture Tells A Story

A wonderful week celebrating 3 fabulous days of sports and fun.

All photographs, courtesy of Mr John Quinn, can be downloaded by clicking on the link below:


Thanks again to John for sharing his time, skills and talents. We greatly appreciate the help of all of our parent body. our 3 day event could not have enjoyed the success it did without the assistance of our parents and carers.


A very exciting week for our pre-school nursery pupils too. On Friday we all enjoyed a wonderful (and emotional) graduation. Our pre-school nursery pupils were exemplary in their confidence, their singing and their excellent learning. Well done to all those headed off to Primary 1. We wish you every success.

And, as with everything in our nursery; it’s so good we do it twice!


Please let us know your thoughts, drop a wee comment or two. We’d love to hear from you.

Mrs Shields



11 thoughts on “Every Picture Tells A Story”

  1. Sports day was so fun, there were so many games and challenges to take part in, my favourite part was the three legged race.

  2. Sports days were amazing.
    My favourite part was rock climbing.
    So sad that this was
    our last 3 day sports event

  3. I loved the sports days they were really fun especially the third day. I really enjoyed the climbing wall and the bouncy castles.

  4. I love sports day. The best bit was probably either the bouncy castle or the samba band. I am very excited to see which house wins.

  5. I loved the sports days. My favourite day was the races day. And I loved the rock climbing.

  6. I really enjoyed sports day and my favorite was sack race where I was so close to winning.

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