A week of musical entertainment and excellent learning

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What a week! Absolutely superb.

Tuesday and Wednesday P7 headed off to Our Lady’s High School for their 2 day visit and our P6 pupils began their P7 responsibilities. Our nursery pupils all enjoyed their sports days and on Wednesday our nursery Bonanza day saw all 100 little people join us for fun, games, treats and lots of laughter. A wonderful day for all concerned. Big thanks to Mrs Duffy and Mrs MM Murphy for organising all the activities. Thanks also to our P7 staff who found themselves working within our nursery – quite a change for them.

Thursday was our annual Magical Musical Morning, and what a morning it was. An outstanding display of talent and skill from our P4,5,6 & 7 pupils. Huge thanks to our musical instructors:

Strings – Mrs Serle

Brass – Mr Woods

Saxophone & Orchestra – Mr Cruikshank

Clarinets – Mrs Murphy

Flutes & Choir  – Mrs Campbell

Solo Singing – Mrs Shevlin

Kodaly & Boys Choir – Mrs Wilkinson

Biggest thanks has to go to our wonderful pupils who were simply magnificent.

Live video soundbites coming soon….hopefully!

The group missing from these photographs is our wonderful choir, apologies to them for missing them in the photographs. However, on Thursday evening our choir performed The Mass of St. Francis in O.L.G.A Cathedral Church working with choirs from across Motherwell Diocese: St Cuthbert’s – South Lanarkshire and St. Bridget’s  – Glasgow. Our choirs sang with the prestigious Motherwell Diocesan Choir and what a performance it was, simply amazing. More information and some wonderful live footage will be uploaded to Motherwell Diocese Facebook Page – log on and have a look and a listen, I’m sure you will be impressed. I am incredibly impressed by our choir and extremely proud.

Friday morning dawned filled with very excited Primary One pupils all ready and prepared for their very first assembly. It was truly magnificent, Primary One pupils excelled, they were brilliant. A laugh out loud and toe tapping morning. One of the best moments for me is watching the pride on the faces of teachers and parents as they marvel at what our children can achieve in just one year at school.

HUGE congratulations to all in Primary One and a very special thanks to Mrs McCarthy, Mrs Gillespie, Mrs Laird, Mrs McLaughlan, Mrs McCoy, Miss Falconer and all of our support staff and not forgetting Mrs Campbell. A wonderful way for our children to learn the importance of staying safe & healthy at home, at school and at play. Primary One be VERY proud of yourselves.

Photographs will be on Blog next weekend, watch this space.

Meanwhile on Thursday morning after our Magical Musical Morning our P7 pupils enjoyed their final workshop (at Primary School) for our Building Stronger Communities in Motherwell Project.

Whilst speaking with Professor Nigel Osbourne who is leading this project we were discussing our locale and I have to quote his view of our school. He said he visits many, many schools but O.L.G.A Cathedral is the ‘richest’ school he has ever been in. Not in terms of money but in terms of the experiences afforded to our children, the quality and commitment of the staff and the positive attitude of all in our school community. What a wonderful description of our school, a fabulous compliment.

Our week ended on a wonderful high with our annual Fundraisers Race Night. We raised an incredible £2355.00. WOW! Outstanding. A HUGE thanks (this seems inadequate) to our Fabulous Fundraisers and everyone who came along to support this evening, parents, staff, friends of our school. A great night, although my horses are still out there somewhere searching for the finish line.😳

And there’s more:

Here’s what’s been happening this week in our nursery, a very exciting and action packed week.


On Tuesday the children arrived to find a new addition to the nursery. A beautiful yellow fluffy chick had hatched. The children named her Snow White. As the week progressed each day brought new additions and by Friday we had 9 healthy chicks named Biffy, Bluebell, Chip, Wee Charlie, Rosie, Buffalo, Ariel and Superman. Please spend a minute looking at all the learning displayed in the Playroom that has been going on since the eggs arrived. The children have been caring for the chicks and have visited them each day to see them grow. Have a look at the photographs of our new little friends.

Wednesday arrived along with the sunshine. The beach party and sports day was full of fun active activities and the children enjoyed them all. Take a look at the photographs to see what they all got up to. They all went home tired and happy especially the staff.
Thursday’s weather for the morning children’s sports day was not so nice but the children put their hoods up and carried on. Each child received a medal for taking part in their sports day. Well deserved.

Another fabulous week in our outstanding nursery and school, absolutely brilliant. I hope everyone is very proud of their children, we most certainly are.

Mrs Shields – very proud head teacher