Congratulations and Celebrations in our EXCELLENT Nursery

It is official….Our Nursery is EXCELLENT. As you will be aware we have just been through the process of Care Commission Inspection.

Our nursery was inspected on the following 4 themes:

Quality of care and support

  1. How well you support children to reach their potential?

Quality of environment

  1. How well the outdoor environment contributes to positive outcomes for children?

Quality of staffing

  1. How staff training and development has improved the outcomes for children?

Quality of management and leadership

1.Improvements since the last inspection – the positive impacts these have had on the outcome for children

2.The quality assurance systems used to monitor and evaluate the quality of children experiences.

All four themes have been graded as excellent, we look forward to sharing the full report with you all in the New Year when it is published.

A HUGE thanks to our nursery children, who welcomed our inspector to their nursery and proudly displayed their learning experiences. Grateful thanks also to the great number of parents/carers & grandparents who willingly gave of their own time to meet with or contact Care Commission on our behalf. Thanks also to our numerous visiting specialists & other professionals who also took time to speak with Care Commission.

A very special thanks to our magnificent nursery staff so ably lead by Mrs Duffy and Mrs Murphy. Every single member of staff has been recognised for their dedication, care and commitment to our children.

I could not be happier, it feels like Santa has come early this year!

Meanwhile our children throughout our school and nursery our children have all enjoyed a very exciting week.

Tuesday, following the big reveal of our school show our school pupils all enjoyed their annual Christmas parties, great fun was had by all. Tuesday was a VERY sparkly day with all dressed in their finery. The children (and staff) all looked extremely festive.

We ended our week with the first of our two pantomimes – The Wizard that Woz. This was a magical pantomime which engaged and delighted everyone in the audience from 3 through to…..well quite a few years older! A great time was had by all…Oh YES it was.

Next week is a very short week in school, therefore this will be the final blog for 2015.

May I take this opportunity to say an enormous thanks to each and every person in our school community, we have a wonderful ethos in our community which is created through everyone working together with a shared goal – To provide the best learning environment for all of our children.

I wish you all a very Happy and Holy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Mrs Shields