Dear Parents,
10th June 2014
Thank you for your excellent support throughout this session. I can’t believe that I am now writing the final newsletter of this year. The school will participate in the Gala Day on Saturday 14th June as per the arrangements in the letter issued by the Parent Council.
Progress Reports
As you are aware, we are implementing Curriculum for Excellence. The format we use to report to you has changed. Your child will be issued with his/her report on Friday 20th June. Please talk to your child about his/her progress and complete the enclosed questionnaire. We do value your comments and as always I am keen to gather feedback from you to improve the service we provide for our children.
Primary 5 Parental Consultations are scheduled to take place on Thursday 12th June with Ms Barlow. An appointment time will be issued to you.
Parent Council
The final Parent Council Disco takes place on Thursday 12th June 6.30-8pm. Tickets cost £1 and are on sale from Mrs Dempster at the school. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Walker for her commitment and loyal support in the role of Chairperson. I would also like to thank Mrs Taylor for efforts in the role of Treasurer. Please note that the Parent Council will need to appoint new Office Bearers at the A.G.M scheduled for 1st September 2014. More details will be provided after the summer holidays.
School Outings
Throughout this month, classes will be participating in a range of outings. Please note that the children should wear their school uniform in line with risk assessment procedures. The maximum amount of spending money is set at £3 per child. Please note that a packed lunch is required and those in receipt of free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch.
If you have any items of school uniform that your child has outgrown, but are still in good condition, please send them into school as we can ‘recycle’ them to other families. Thank you.
Queens Baton Relay at Newmains Primary.
This is planned for Monday 23rd June 2014. The Baton will arrive at 12.04 and depart at 12.19pm. I will issue information from the Active Schools Coordinator as soon as I have it!
Success at Shotts Highland Games
I am very pleased to announce that our school team finished 2nd at this annual event. We were awarded £100 for our efforts. I would like to thank our Janitor, Mr McArthur and Mrs Dempster for giving freely of their time to support our children. Congratulations to our boys and girls who participated too!
Primary 7- News
The annual disco for Primary 7 takes place on Thursday 26th June at St. Brigid’s Centre from 7-9pm. We join with Primary 7 children from Morningside and St Brigid’s for this celebration.
Sports Days
Our children are currently participating in a range of events at school. This is part of our arrangements to mark the Commonwealth Games later this year. I am confident that your child will enjoy the activities organised for P1-P3 on Tuesday 17th June throughout the day and P4-P7 on Thursday 12th June throughout the day. Some competitive races will take place in the afternoons. Please note all events are subject to weather conditions. Thank you to Miss Keating for all her hard work to plan both events.
Transport- School Buses
If your child is in receipt of a privilege pass, you will need to reapply for starting back in August. Please contact Mrs Burt at the School Office, if you need more information.
End of Term Arrangements
The Summer Celebration will be held in Coltness Memorial Church on Wednesday 25th June at 10am. You are most welcome to come along and join us. School will close at 1pm on Friday 27th June. The usual arrangements will apply – children who get the bus home will leave about 12.30pm and the rest of the children will leave at 1pm. Sandwiches will be served for lunch for those in receipt of a free meal or for those purchasing a lunch.
I will aim to keep you informed about our classes for next session as soon I as have our staffing confirmed. Please bear with me!
We re-open for the new session on Monday 18th August at 9am; our new Primary 1 children will start at 10am.
PVG Checks
We are as always looking for parents to be disclosed so that they can help in school. If you are able to do this, please contact Mrs Johnston at the office.
On behalf of all the staff, have a wonderful summer and may the sun shine for all of us!
Yours sincerely,
Head Teacher