A Busy Fortnight

This week we have been talking about Fairtrade as its Fairtrade Fortnight. We have spoken out the farmers in the poor countries and how we know if an item is Fairtrade or not. We changed the Struay shop and Post Office and it now sells Fairtrade products. Johnny brought some Fairtrade things in for the shop and Adam made a fantastic open and closed sign.

We have started making on our island on the wall. We made houses and painted trees using sponge painting. We even made 3D houses to put on our 3D island. It was much trickier than it looks!!  We even know that the flat shape you get by cutting along the edges of a 3D shape is called the net of the shape.

We also played in the Post Office, look at our super postman!

We have been doing lots of time activities and learning our numbers to 100. We are all brilliant at it. We can even add up in 10’s.

Our new sounds are ‘ow’ and ‘ou’. They both make the same sound but are spelled differently!!!! It’s so strange.

We’ve had the bookfair at school this week and we all got some books. We had the chance to look at all the books every afternoon. There was so many to choose from.

Finally we had our red nose day disco. You can see how much fun we had from the photos

February Weekend

Hi boys and girls,

I hope you had a great weekend. I had a really good time. Fraser and I took our dog Hamish to the beach. It was really cold but Hamish had lots of fun chasing his ball.  He went into the sea but only for a moment, I think it was too cold for him. We all had a fun day on the beach.

On Tuesday we went to the cinema and saw Yogi Bear, it was so funny. You should go and see it if you get the chance!!

Tell me what you did over the weekend.

Katie Morag

We started our Katie Morag topic today. We looked at some of the characters in the books. We have lots of Katie Morag

books in the class and we are going to set up the shop and post office in our class. It will be great fun. We will have to think about what we’ll need in the shop and how much to charge for it. It’s going to be a busy time over the next few weeks! We’re going to set up  a Katie Morag page on glow so please keep posted.

A Busy Fortnight

Another busy 2 weeks! Last week was pattern week and we had lots of different activities involving pattern, maths, language, music, PE, it was everywhere!!

We did make some super patterns though

Our maths work has focussed on number bonds and we have been learning about

quarters. We all know that fractions have to be fair, the parts always have to be equal!

Our new sound was EW. This is the 3rd sound that makes the oo sound. It’s getting really confusing now!!

Through our topic we looked at China as it’s the Chinese New Year. We made lanterns as this is what the Chinese children would be doing. We even wrote the instructions on how to make one. All we have to do is add the glitter.

Ryan took these pictures for Mrs Horner, he’s a fabulous photographer!

Today was a big day for P2/3. We had the competition from Airdrie Savings Bank. We have been practising our Scottish poem, The Twa Legged Mice.  Fourteen of us wanted to be in the competition but Mrs Horner could only choose 3. It was so difficult she asked Miss Gallagher to help her decide.

We have recorded the children reciting their poems. You can find it on our class web page, please take a look!

Scottish Week

We’ve had a really interesting week as it’s Scottish week. We have made Scottish tartan using paints

with thick and thin strokes, we also had to make sure we continued our colour pattern.

We weaved tartan too and that was a bit tricky but both looked lovely. They are going up on our wall today.

We learned a new poem, “Twa Legged Mice”- it’s a super poem but there are lots of strange words in it!

If you want to know about Greyfriars Bobby just ask anyone in our class. Mrs Horner read us the story and it was

so sad, some of us were almost crying!! You can see his statue in Edinburgh.

On Thursday afternoon we had a tasting session in class, we had Scottish cheese, shortbread and oatcakes. We recorded the results and now we have to make a chart with them.

We started our Comic Life magazine but unfortunately the computer keeps crashing before we get to save it so hopefully it shall be finished by the end of next week. It’s great fun, we get to take our own pictures and add them to the magazine.

We can’t wait until Mrs Horner prints them out.

At PE we played the Highland games. We were all fabulous but Sireen’s team won. It’s not always the first team finished that gets the points but the first team quiet and organised!

P2/3 wish we could have more Scottish weeks.

No new sounds this week but we had lots of our older sounds to practise just to make sure we

remember them!

A New Year

Well, what a busy time we’ve had since returning to school.

In maths we’ve been learning about halves and direction, we even

had fun with a dancing bear!!!

Programming the beebot

We learned a new sound ” OI” and although it sounds the same as

“OY” it’s spelled differently!! Mrs Horner says ours is a tricky language

to learn!!

In our topic we have been looking at hot and cold countries. We plotted them on our

maps and then looked for them on the atlas.  We also saw the invisible line that runs across the world.

We looked at making a magazine on the computer and hopefully we should produce one before

the end of the month.

It wasn’t all hard work. We had great fun on Tuesday when we saw the pantomime “Mother Goose”

it was super and so funny!!!

And at last we got out to play at playtime- yippee!!!!!

When we were talking about the countries today p2/3 told us all about whats been happening in Australia and Brasil. We decided to change our homework and research whats been happening here.

A Christmas Celebration

Well, what a fantastic Nativity we had. We all did so well, remembering what we had to do and all the words for our songs. We didn’t have a lot of practise but we were fabulous!! All the parents and carers gave us lots of applause and they looked really pleased watching our performance!!

This will be our last blog of the year so P2/3 wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR

Remember boys and girls, early to bed on Christmas Eve please!!! HO, HO, HO

love Santa


Christmas Post!

What a task we have had to do over the past few days! Our classroom has turned into a post office. We have to collect mail, sort it, stamp it and distribute it throughout the school. It really is hard work. We are all being effective contributors and doing our jobs so well that we could be real post people!!

Welcome Back

It’s been a really busy week. We have been practising every day for our nativity, its really hard work! We’re sure everyone will love it and we’ve got some super photos! It’s a really exciting time just now and we’re all glad to be back at school.

We’ve also been working really hard on our maths and are learning to give change when spending money. We have been successful learners in this are and enjoyed the activities this week.Our new sound this week was “AW” and we have been practising lots of words with this sound. Can you think of any?

We have been doing lots of exciting Christmas activities but we don’t want to give away too much to ruin the surprise!!!


Hi boys and girls, I hope you are all keeping warm in this freezing weather.

I’ve been missing you and and hopefully we’ll be back at school soon.

Take care and enjoy the snow whilst its still here.

Mrs Horner

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