Category Archives: Uncategorized
Mr Twizzle
Can you guess Mr Twizzle’s Age?
Mrs Hendry in Primary 3 will be running in the London Marathon 2015 for The National Autistic Society. In order to raise money for this worthwhile cause she has knitted a fun snowman called Mr Twizzle.
The children will have an opportunity over the next 2 weeks to guess a birthday date for Mr Twizzle. These dates wil go on sale from Monday 8th December to Thursday 18th December. The cost will be 50p.
The winner will be announced at our assembly on Friday 19th December.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Christmas Card Competition
Choir Competition
Our choir has been entered into a competition being run by The Regent Shopping Centre in Hamilton.
The choir with the most votes wins £500 for the school.
To register your vote simply click on the link above. This will let you view our choir performing and enter your details to vote. Please encourage as many people as possible to do this.
Children in Need
P5 Assembly
Thank you to all of the parents, friends and family that attended our P5 ‘Rain forest’ assembly this morning. The boys and girls would like to thank you for being a good audience.
In case you missed it. Here are some jokes which were included in it:
What do get if you cross a parrot with a centipede?
A walkie talkie!
What animal has more lives than a cat?
A frog because he croaks every night!
What do you call a snake that is good at maths?
An adder!
What do you call a gorilla with ear muffs on?
Anything you like…he can’t here you!