All posts by Mr Creighton

End of term information


P1 and P2 & 3 Party children can be taken home for lunch at 12:15pm to get ready

on their party day. If children are staying in school for lunch they can wear party

clothes all day or bring them and change at lunchtime.


Church Service

Our church service is due to begin around 9:30am or the length of time it takes us to get

from the school to the church after morning registration. Parents are welcome to join

us for this at the church. Could we ask that to help the school stay together we get our

classes fitted in first of all and then parents fit in around us. Please note if the weather is

bad we will have the service in school and unfortunately cannot invite parents. We will

text in the morning.


Christmas Jumpers

To help brighten up the shortest day of the year, Monday 21st December, all staff and children are encouraged to come to school in Christmas themed clothing (Christmas jumpers/t-shirts etc.). No donations necessary!


Packed lunches

As we inevitably amass left packed lunches throughout the year all packed lunches will be cleared from packed lunch trolleys on Monday 21st and sent home. Any unclaimed and unnamed boxes will be disposed of. On Tuesday packed lunch boxes will be kept in class to keep the trolleys clear for January.



NB School closes at 2.30pm on Tuesday 22nd December & re-opens Wednesday 6th January


School Closure – Friday 19th

As you may well have seen from NLC website our school and nursery will remain closed on Friday 19th June.

This will also mean that the school disco planned for tomorrow night will also be cancelled.

Primary 7b and Primary 7 from 6/7 were due to perform their assembly tomorrow. It is our intention to now include this within the Leavers’ Ceremony on Wednesday morning.

Please circulate this information.

Many thanks


School Closure

Thank you for your help this morning. The school is closed due to problems with water in the local area.

We will continue to follow local media, Scottish Water website and social media to ascertain when the school re-opens.

I will update this blog when we have any information.

Many thanks

Heading home!

Packed and ready for breakfast!

So as an add on to my comments about the suitcases from last night, my advice would now be unzip then stand well back!

I will phone the school when we are on the road and they will text to tell you all.

We’ve had a fab time but ready to come home.

See you all soon.

disco fever

We had a great night at the disco tonight. Everyone managed to keep there party clothes clean for the big event. All is quiet again in the dorms as we get ready for the journey home tomorrow. I’m sure you have been missing your little ones terribly. However, I hate to break it to you, there are a whole load of them who will have to be pushed on to the bus tomorrow. Most feel just one more week would do!

In all seriousness though, in our books that is the sign of a successful week. The children have experienced new responsibilities, challenges and independence but safe in the knowledge they are being well looked after. It quickly turned into a home from home.

So its a busy morning tomorrow. We will be enjoying our final breakfast. The food has been fab! Then we need to strip the rooms and make sure all our bags are packed. Be prepared!!! There is a good chance those beautifully packed bags from Monday will be coming home in a very different state.

If I don’t get the chance to post in the morning (or its playing the silly games it has with me today) you will get a text from the school to sat we are on our way and then another with a better ETA.

Now I’m off to my bed too.