All posts by Mr Creighton

Tuesday morning

All up bright and early this morning. All the staff were extremely pleased with how quickly the children settled last night. Bodes well for a successfull week.  We all had a good breakfast and are heading out for our morning activities. This morning we have groups doing canoeing, safari and climbing. I think we will all be ready for lunch when the time comes.

Have a nice day everyone! I’ll post tonight to tell you how the day has progressed.

The journey here!

We had a great journey here yesterday! Thank you for having the children so organised and ready to go. The bus journey was uneventful and passed really quickly. The children organised their rooms really well when they arrived and have kept them very clean … so far!!!









A great first day!

What a great first day we have had!

Children have been fabulous and are settling in really well.

We had lunch.

Organised kit.

Got out for an afternoon activity.

Had our dinner.

Went outside for two evening activities.

Everyone is getting ready to turn in for the night now so it is goodnight from us.



Recovery Position

Some P6 and P7 pupils trying out the recovery position on each other as part of their Emergency Life Skills lessons in Health.


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Look for danger!

Check for a response!

If no response:

Call for help!

Check breathing!

Call an ambulance!

Put in recovery position!



End of day 3

Well what a fantastic trip we have had! The children have been a credit to the school and their families. All tucked up in bed now after  great disco. Tomorrow will be a busy morning so probably no post here but a text will come from the school when we are leaving. We are hoping it could be as early as 10:30 so we could be back earlier than expected. Good night all and we’ll see you tomorrow.

Day 3

It was a quick morning this morning so no time for an update. Everyone back for lunch now before heading out for our final activity of the week. Then, it’s …. DISCO time!!!

Good morning!

Good morning everyone. You will have been very proud of your children last night. Off to bed with no fuss and settled down to sleep very quickly. So as a result we are refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Various activities today including gorge walking and skiing!

