All posts by Mr Creighton

P3 – Pablo Picasso

As part of our art topic Primary 3 have been learning about Pablo Picasso. Picasso was an abstract artist he also invented a new style of abstract art called Cubism. Cubist artists look at objects, break them up and reassemble them in an abstract way. Primary 3 used clay to create abstract sculptures of their own heads.

kilbowie Day 3

Well we are all set for out last full day of activities. It has started off windy and rainy but that certainly won’t hold us back. Last night we all took part in the famous Kilbowie night line. Lots of laughs, screams and team work. Lots of fun. We even managed to light our pumpkins and place them around the course. Everyone looking forward to the disco tonight. Let’s see if they remembered to leave some clean clothes.

Kilbowie Day 2

Another super day up in Oban. Children’s activities included climbing, skiing, gorge walking and map reading. We also carved pumpkins last night. Similar day ahead today with children swapping activities. Weather has been okay going from blue skies to heavy showers very quickly. Perfect weather for all our outdoor pursuits. Long may it continue. Children currently getting ready for breakfast. Think I’ll go and check how tidy their rooms are.

Kilbowie Day 1

We had a great first day. Bus journey was fab and no one was sick! All children quiet and asleep by the agreed time and now just waiting on the 7:30 alarm call waking them. All groups have an exciting and full day ahead.