London Marathon 2016

On Sunday 24th of April Mrs Hendry will be running in the London Marathon 2016, a 26.2 mile race round the city of London.
Once again she will be part of the running team for The National Autistic Society. The National Autistic Society supports people and families living with this lifelong condition and is close to the hearts of many of us in our school community. Mrs Hendry ran for The National Autistic Society in the London Marathon 2015 and raised a massive £3300.

School Support
Last year we supported Mrs Hendry in many ways as a school community. We encouraged her with our well wishes through her training and on the day of the big event I know our positive thoughts helped keep her going through those difficult miles. We also helped in the fundraising process. Last year our pupils were encouraged to ‘guess the birthday’ of Mr Twizzle, a cuddly character knitted by Mrs Hendry herself. In return it was very beneficial to use Mrs Hendry as an example across the school of many of the aspects of our Health and Wellbeing curriculum. It has helped emphasise the importance of setting goals and having the determination to achieve these.
Mrs Hendry spoke at last week’s assembly and introduced the children to Scotty and Morag. Both knitted by herself.



They both live in Glen Sunnybogle in the Highlands. Scotty is a keeper of wild haggis and Morag is an expert knitter of the clan tartan. She comes with her own knitting bag including knitting needles and wool.


Pupils can win these toys by trying to guess the clan name for each toy. It costs 50p for each guess. Children can buy as many clan names as they like.

The clan names will go on sale on from Monday 11th January to Thursday 28th January.   Primary 7 children will be selling the clan names.


The draw will take place on Friday 29th January at our whole school assembly.