Muir Street Primary

Primary 5 Room 10


Friday 1st May 2020

Good morning Primary 5,

We have made it to the end of the week and also to a new month! Hopefully May brings even more sunshine and happiness 😊☀️As always, look at your Home Learning Grids for today’s activity ideas. I loved seeing everyone’s homemade rainbows yesterday, they were a great success and it looked like you had great fun making them 🌈


  • Log on to Spelling City to complete this weeks activities. Remember I can see your progress.
  • Follow this link to remind yourself of what a simile is – Simile Examples
  • Create some of your own similes, you could even draw a matching picture 😊


  • You have £50 to spend at the supermarket this week – make a list of what you want to buy.
  • Research the price of the items and see what you can buy with your £50!


  • Draw a map of your local area and label any interesting landmarks.
  • Could you make a key to show the different types of land? G = Grass
  • You can use this website to help you National Geographic

Today is Friday and we usually do Star Book in the afternoon before Golden Time. It would be great to have a little ‘check in’ with everyone today. Can you all try to send me an email on GLOW telling me;

  1. What you have enjoyed this week
  2. What you have not enjoyed
  3. Something you are looking forward to doing after lockdown
  4. Try to add a picture to your email


Have a lovely day, it would be great to hear from you! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend 😊🌟💕Bitmoji Image

Miss Shanks 💜



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