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Weather :o

Last week the weather was horrific!! It was snowing all days and we had to be off school. We missed odd sock day. Finally on Sunday/Monday the rain came and washed nearly all the snow away! πŸ™‚ i was getting a bit sick of the snow so i was glad :D. When there was snow it wasn’t that cold but when the rain came it’s freezing. Can’t wait till spring comes πŸ™‚ ~The Weather~ ~By Claudia~Β Β 


This week the weather was horrific snow,snow everywhere.I could barely get through me,Zuzanna,Amaka and my sister went out sledging,I don’t usually sledge because when I was little I was sledging and I fell into the snow but this week a finally decided to sledge.I didn’t really like the weather but it was fun to get out in the snow.We also did different types of sledging like the 360,the penguin,the back penguin,the knee slide and snowboard which only Amaka and Natalia tryed.


This week the weather has been terrible! It snow was so bad we didn’t have to go to school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday which meant we missed odd day πŸ™ On Wednesday I went outside with 2 friends, on Thursday went to the same shop twice and on Friday we (5 friends/4 parents) all built a very very big snowman!

Every day is a school day!

Snow Daze 2018
135mm or 13.5cms today 1/3/18
The Midden

So, although it should be Spring we have returned to Siberia with the Beast from the East.

The Artic blast has kept us at home for the past 2 days. I don’t want to do school work but my Mum says I have to (Booooo!)

Inside now cozy and warm playing the Playstation with a few friends, Fortnite. It was a blast. We played the new mode, solid gold,which means every weapon you find is legendary.

Mac n’ cheese now for dinner #nomnom =D